Thursday, November 20, 2014

Synthesis Reflection

    Overall I think I completed what I set out to do in my synthesis paper.  There were some weak points as far as the Ethos, Logos, and Pathos.  I had a difficult time applying these to the synthesis part of the paper.  At first I thought that I was going to have a hard time with this paper, but after some help I thought that the paper was kind of like an argumentative paper, but with hard facts from articles of authors in the field of the changing workplace in our time.  After this paper I still believe that college is the best route to preparing to enter the modern work world.  In college they instructors know how to prepare you for entering the work world, and that is why I believe that college is the best route, and also how I feel I did on this synthesis paper.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

What I Care about.

    What I care about.
  I guess is pretty simple.  I care about my my military service, and about law enforcement.  I also Have the same cares that other people have, like their loved ones, parents(family), and friends.  I would like to know more about criminal justice. I would like to get more involved in learning about investigations and drug enforcement inside the criminal justice system. I also care about my friends in that are still in and have gotten out of the military, but that isn't to say that i care about them more than regular friends but I find it easier to relater to them because of their experience of being in the military.

    What Matters to Others.
 I believe this would be important to others because there are countless veterans all over the country and quite a few here at lewis, including myself.  Researching about the military and law enforcement, would grab the attention of other veteran and law enforcement majors here at lewis as well as outside the college.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Synthesis Design Plan

Purpose Statement.

    The purpose of my synthesis paper is to synthesize articles by Chris Carter, Alan Blinder, and Carol D'Amico. To argue for how to best prepare for working life in which change is constant, I will argue that college, and learning to stand out, and working with groups during college is the best way to prepare for the work world.
    I will also argue this preparation will require a development of a mix of skills to create success in the work place.  These include a solid education of the college level,  A specialized skill in the field you are planning to enter into, an d I will also show how college may also not be good decision for some.

Design plan:
    The design of this paper will be in MLA format so I do not have to worry to much about the set up of the paper.  I will have to use my synthesis worksheet, and the article to gain my points of my paper.  

   I am a college student preparing for the working world.  I believe that college has helped me so much more than just jumping into the work place.  I have learned a lot of great skills to set me apart from the non college goer, to make me look more marketable to employers.

Pathos:  I believe that if you do not get a college education you will find it harder or even impossible to find a job where the job market is becoming increasingly more and more competitive.  If you want a good job in the future, you need to prepare for it now.  That is why college is an important time in your life.

Logos:  I will use writers: Chris Carter and BLANK to show why college is the best route in todays job market and also to show my counter argument that college isn't always a good idea for some.
I will set up my paper as follows: I will start with Chris Carter in showing that college can be a good idea, then move to BLANK to show that college might not be a good idea for some.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


All in all I believe that I did a fairly good job composing the paper over all.  There were a few points where digging into the posters to find the Ethos, Logos,and Pathos were rather challenging.  It is hard to look “beneath” the poster and see how it was constructed to catch the readers attention.  It was also interesting some of these posters used fear to get the readers to do what the people that created it wanted them to do.  
Looking back I believe that I accomplished what I wanted to accomplish in this paper.  This is my first professional rhetorical analysis ever in my college career, I guess I could have done one subconsciously in the course of my college career, but this is my first one I have submitted for an academic grade.  Once I got into a sort of rhythm of composing and drafting my paper, explaining the Ethos, Logos, and Pathos became very easy.  I hope that it actually was easy, and I just did not do it wrong.

I believe that I went with my design plan.  I believe that I followed all the main points of my design plan as well.  I explained the Ethos, Logos, and Pathos for each poster.  I also explained how the visual and the text worked together to get the message across to the reader, or audience.  Overall rhetorical analysis did start off as something big and scary, but once you dive into it, it really is not that bad.  I thought that it was going to be impossible to do because it looked hard, but as it turns out it really was not.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Rhetorical Analysis: Purpose statement & Design plan

Sorry about my post being late I had issues with Blogger for a few days.

American World War II Posters.

As a veteran of the U.S. Military I thought it would be a great idea to do my visual rhetorical analysis on American world war II propaganda posters.  Everybody has seen these posters, the famous poster of Uncle Sam with text reading “I want you for the U.S. Army”, and the poster of the woman factory worker with the text reading “We can do it”.  I think I would be fascinating to analyze these posters because of their history and popularity in the culture of our country. These posters help fuel the war effort and called thousands of young men and women to arms. These posters gave the families of those men and women the feeling that they were directly helping the men on the frontline. I feel that analyzing these posters will help me understand the way the people felt when they say these posters for the first time. 

Medium and Production: I will be using four American World War II posters to do my analysis.  Two of which will be well known to our culture, and two wont be as well known so I can have a well rounded view of the posters used during this time period.

Ethos: I will start by looking at the creators of these posters and their credibility.  These posters were probably made by the by the government or at least approved by the government.  Being the government of the united states I would say that these posters had a lot of credibility behind them.  For the effectiveness of these posters we can look to history and see how popular these posters were.  They made men enlist into the army, civilians bought war bonds, and the women built plains and weapons in factories across America.

Logos: Every poster I have chosen has a pretty good argument.  Every poster is supporting the war effort in America,  I want to I've even deeper into explaining the arguement when I write my paper.  Every poster I have chosen seems to grab your attention at the center then you move your eye to the top of them to the text then to the picture again. I think that these poster have great movement and get their point across.

Pathos:  These posters in this series I will be doing my analysis on tug on the heart strings of the American public in a few different ways.  One of the ways is that they make you feel sympathy for the men fighting in the front line. Another way they pull emotion out of you is using fear of Germany invading the mainland United States, and that sharing secret information can sink ships.

Arrangement: Even though this is a paper I still need to keep the arrangement of the text and posters into account.  I have to make sure that my pictures are next to the text about them so my readers do not get confused about which poster I am analyzing.

Here are the posters I have chosen.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Driving on the road, walking through a parking lot, you see them everywhere. Cars are a tool that have helped us since the early 1900’s.  Now cars back then were very simplistic, and utilitarian. Today Cars have become these things that get us from place to place to these extravagant objects that reflect style, and tell a story about the driver. I understand that cars usually are looked at as tools in our everyday life, but have you ever looked at a car.....I mean really looked at it, all of the lines on the body, the color, the materials used, the interior design.  Cars today have become rolling art galleries. Take the Lamborghini Gallardo for example.  These cars are very efficient as far as aerodynamics and speed, but they have also taken this car that can reach speeds of around 200 miles per hour, and have designed it to look great while reaching these speeds.  Car shows are just like art galleries.  Although these works of art move and are exposed to the elements, even that in itself is art. Car shows are just like moving art galleries that can pop up anywhere and can be taken down in a matter of minutes.   Car customization also plays a big roll in how cars can be considered works of art.  Performance parts added to the car show that the “artist” loves to go fast.  A detailed under hood paint job can show that the “artist” likes the smaller details, the ones not everyone sees.  Having older cars restored is like having the Mona Lisa touched up so that generations to come can enjoy it.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Closing statements

Looking at the end product, I believe that my photo essay told the audience what I wanted to tell them.  It perfectly showed that cars are not just tools that get us from point a to point b, But cars are a masterpiece of design and practicality rolled into something that gets us to work, school, or to see family around the holiday.  In closing my photo essay tells the story of how cars are so much more than just tools.

Purpose Statement

The Art Work of Cars, Not Just a Tool.

I as an automobile enthusiast I would like to show people who are not interested in the car culture, that cars are pieces of art, and that cars are so much more than just tools in our everyday lives.  The car culture is something that is not very different from any other culture.  It is just a group of people that come together and share the same interests and beliefs. I have grown up being around cars, and a few of my family members enjoy cars and have a few hot rods themselves. This is where my love for car came from. I hope to show people that just use their cars as a tool to make life more simple can see that cars are so much more than a tool.  They are a statement piece of your personal style, a work of art. They can tell a story about there owners.  Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear UK) once said :” It’s what non-car people do not get.  All they see is a ton-ton-and-a-half of wires, metal,glass and rubber. Thats all they see. People like you or I know, we have an unshakable belief that cars are living entities. You can have a relationship with a car, that’s just what non-car people don’t get.”  

Design Plan

Medium & Production: I am going to be using photos that I have taken.  Theses will be pictures of show cars, since my essay is about the car culture, and cars are a work of art in their own way.  I need pictures of more cars than what I have now. Ten pictures may not be enough for what I want to say.  I will have to get pictures of my aunt’s and grandfather’s car to add to my essay so show the class where my passion for cars came from.  I want to show both classic and brand new super cars.  I need to take pictures of people actually in the photo's to show that car culture is made up of people also not just cars. 
Ethos: I don't want people to think that if their car is dirty or a bit on the rusty side, that they are committing  a sin.  I don't want people to think that the car culture is for people with new and exciting cars.  my car is not that exciting, but to me I love the way it looks. I just want to show people that cars are a reflection of their driver, and the style of the car’s customization is an expression, much like a painting is an expression of the artist.
Pathos: I want my audience to know that, to some people in the world that cars are so much more than metal, rubber ,and glass. Cars are a work of art  I will show the audience this with pictures of classic cars, new cars, and super cars. These cars in themselves are cool to see, when you see cars like this on the street everybody looks.
Logos:   My argument is based purely on opinion.  I hope my photo's and narrative for each picture can show people that cars are so much more than tools.  They are a statement. I will persuade my audience with pictures of cool cars and the editing of those pictures.
Arrangement: I will probably have around 10 to 15 slides, I hope. I will start from the beginning for me, Where I became interested in cars. Then I will move on to the slides trying to persuade people that cars are so much more than just tools in our daily lives. I will use black and white pictures for the older cars and change the saturation up for the pictures with the new and super cars. I want everyone to see that the car culture is something awesome but, I want to focus more on the cars than persuading the audience.  I want the cars to do the talking.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Essay

Slide 1: Figure 1, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. Sonic RS
Slide 2: Figure 1, Svoboda, Ryan. 2013. Aunts Cars
            Figure 1a, Svoboda, Ryan. 2011. 1936 Chevrolet
Slide 3: Figure 1, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. USA Charger
            Figure 1a, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. USA Charger 2
Slide 4: Figure 1a, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. Daytona
            Figure 1b, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. Camaro
            Figure 1c, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. Camaro 2
Slide 5: Figure 1a, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. Viper
            Figure 1b, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. Gallardo
            Figure 1c, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. AMG
Slide 6: Figure 1a, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. Aventador
            Figure 1b, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. SLS AMG
Slide 7: Figure 1a, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. Ariel Atom
Slide 8: Figure 1a, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. RS 1
            Figure 1b, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. RS 2
            Figure 1c, Svoboda, Ryan. 2014. RS 3


Driving on the road, walking through a parking lot, you see them everywhere. Cars are a tool that have helped us since the early 1900’s.  Now cars back then were very simplistic, and utilitarian. Today Cars have become these things that get us from place to place to these extravagant objects that reflect style, and tell a story about the driver. I understand that cars usually are looked at as tools in our everyday life, but have you ever looked at a car.....I mean really looked at it, all of the lines on the body, the color, the materials used, the interior design.  Cars today have become rolling art galleries. Take the Lamborghini Gallardo for example.  These cars are very efficient as far as aerodynamics and speed, but they have also taken this car that can reach speeds of around 200 miles per hour, and have designed it to look great while reaching these speeds.  Car shows are just like art galleries.  Although these works of art move and are exposed to the elements, even that in itself is art. Car show are just like moving art galleries that can pop up anywhere and can be taken down in a matter of minutes.  You would have even known that there was an “art” show if you went by minutes after it was over.  Car customization also plays a big roll in how cars can be considered works of art.  Performance parts added to the car show that the “artist” loves to go fast.  A detailed under hood paint job can show that the “artist” likes the smaller details, the ones not everyone sees.  Having older cars restored is like having the Mona Lisa touched up so that generations to come can enjoy it.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ryan Svoboda
Design Plan 

Medium & Production: I am going to be using photos that I have taken.  Theses will be pictures of show cars, since my essay is about the car culture.  I need pictures of more cars than what I have now. Ten pictures may not be enough for what I want to say.  I will have to get pictures of my aunt’s and grandfather’s car to add to my essay so show the class where my passion for cars came from.  I want to show both classic and brand new super cars.  I need to take pictures of people actually in the photo's to show that car culture is made up of people also not just cars.
Ethos: I don't want people to think that if their car is dirty or a bit on the rusty side, that they are committing  a sin.  I don't want people to think that the car culture is for the rich.  I am by no means rich.  
Pathos: I want my audience to know that, to some people in the world that cars are so much more.  I will show the audience this with pictures of classic cars, new cars, and super cars.
Logos:   My argument is based purely on opinion.  I hope my photo's and narrative for each picture can show people that cars are so much more than tools.  They are a statement.

Arrangement: I will probably have around 10 to 15 slides, I hope. I will start from the beginning for me, Where I became interested in cars. Then I will move on to the slides trying to persuade people that cars are so much more than just tools in our daily lives. I will use black and white pictures for the older cars and change the saturation up for the pictures with the new and super cars.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Purpose Statement

Ryan Svoboda
Purpose Statement
The Culture of Cars, not just a tool.

I as an automobile enthusiast I would like to show people who are not interested in the car culture, what the car culture is all about, and that cars are so much more than just tools in our everyday lives.  The car culture is something that is not very different from any other culture.  It is just a group of people that come together and share the same interests and beliefs. I have grown up being around cars, and a few of my family members enjoy cars and have a few hot rods themselves. This is where my love for car came from. I hope to show people that just use their cars as a tool to make life more simple can see that cars are so much more than a tool.  They are a statement piece of your personal style. They can tell a story about there owners.  Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear UK) once said :” It’s what non-car people do not get.  All they see is a ton-ton-and-a-half of wires, metal,glass and rubber. Thats all they see. People like you or I know, we have an unshakable belief that cars are living entities. You can have a relationship with a car, that’s just what non-car people don’t get.”  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

What Do I Care About….

What Matters To Me The Most:
 I guess what matters to me the most would be my wife, my dogs and my extended family.  I would be lying if I said I didn't care about my personal belongings, like my car, computer,etc.

What Interests Me?
The one thing that interests me the most would be the pursuit of my future career. I would like to become a police officer someday to help the public, and keep my own family safe. 

What Do I Want To Learn?
I would like to learn all I can about law enforcement, and criminal justice as a whole.  I want to be very good at my future career. I would also like to learn more about being a detective in a big city or in small county with no big city.

What Do I Want To Investigate?
I would like to investigate more into how detectives figure things out. I like to do puzzles, I also like to think critically. I want to be able to solve a case like detectives do today.

New to Blogging

Im not the type of person to even consider blogging, to me it seems kind of creepy. Having strangers I have never even seen before read what I am feeling brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "stranger danger".  The only reason I am doing this is for my college writing class.  I am NOT very good at grammar or proper spelling (sometimes). I consider this blog kind of unprofessional, or relaxed so I really see no need to worry about these sort of things (unless my professor whats me to use proper grammar and spelling.